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tv   FOX 45 News at 10  FOX  November 2, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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crying and your stomaah drops.." drops.." how a linthicum phe outputing of upporttthey weekendthe outlookkfor election day and when anothhr storr ystem from the soutt pculddarrive in my skywatch foreeast. &p and an elephant that can tal. talk. we'll let yoo be the judge. 3 helll,... i'm jjff baand. barnd. and i'm karen parks. morning in fells point.s - poiit. the victim... was a pomaa... who... was out... or a morning jog. jog. in... felll point...// ..3 as... thh hunt for thee continues. jeff..... broadway... police say tonight.. becauss the attack y happened in a very popuuar
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joggers. innfells ppint, it's a running thhough the area...a popular path, neer ttames and but on this nnght, there's no ddscussion offcompeting run abbuttthe attack....(ááánats - scary......ááá) olice eyes open.. and beware... a warniig after a sexual assaull. .......investigators say a woman in her 20's.. was jogging in he area before work this morning between 5 and 7....when a man approached her.(keith) "police say the mmn was wearing a mask and armed with a knife. pnvestigators say he pulled thh woman into a dark area, then sexually assaulted her." a friend offthe icttm called police..... nnw, ord of the atack as before their next run. (nicky/jogger) "i try to goo when it's light out. iive stopped running in the morning noo that it gets darker in thee morning.. and just try nd (when) i knowwpeople are going
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to be round and i go into safe areas..."(ááánats up full: "this is an increeibly traumatic situation for this young lady...ááá) .........nvestigattrs say they're working witt a vague description of the suspect. ........still, they say they're hopeful an arrest will be made.(guglielmm) "the good news is that there is a lot of surveillance video in that area, lot of businesses, loo of residents that have survvillance networks. so, &pdetectives have a lot of through to possibly identify an attacker, even capture the incident." says officers from the man --3 ssutheast district will help boost patrols in this incluue he saas.. plain live in fells point, ten.h daniels,,ffx 45 news at - 3a... man's... in... criticallcondition... after ...a... it and run ... inn.. brooklyn park../.it... happened... thursday... on... ritchie highway.../ police... think... the vehicle... is a... pontiac montana .... like ttis..../ or... a... chevy venture....miiivan...///. it... mayy.. hav passenger side.../ , the... front... headlight, / pnd... the windshield...///. anyone ... with information.../
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shoull... caal... anne arundel... county police. 12-yyar-old... is... accused of... bringing two guns... to... an... eegewater schooo...//. in... ... letter sent to parents thuusday, .... school... said.. tww students... reported seeing... ggn....// a... bb guun.. nd...... "air-soft"... ppstol.../. were found... in... his lockerr../ police... say... e threaaened... one... other student, .../ noo.. &pone... was injured..../ thh... boy... faces...juveniie charges. 3 3 a... few peeple ... tonight ... after... .... there. less than... 500--- since... sandy.... knockeddout power, .../ b-g-e... has estored... nearly 350 thousand customers,.../ in... just fouu days. five days after the wrath of sandyy members of one linthicum family are counting their blessings.... kathleen cairns has their story of survival.... in grandma's house in linthicum.... paulie shares
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paulie says here yet.... hands lollipop) she was and juss like her favorite character... her housewws bloon away... (teagan- 4 years house."(pointing nd tell uu at scene)"the tree came ttrough whhn the boards nailed in"the marshall familys home during mondayy storm:(dad)"it just sounded likk a wrecking ball to through the house.." collapsed."(cairns)"when the wall fell out and the kids.. were sitting right in thhree" paulie, teegan and emma... were ii the liviig room. (dad)"i just hear my kiis scrraming bloody murderr.. and crring and yoor stomach drops..""et, no one was hhrt. (dad)"were just counting our plessings over and over..cause we eee."(wife) "i mean inchhs away"paal's wifee kristen is gratefuu.... their pow overwhelpee by he generosity of others:(mom) "people have donated brandew things.. lets see some clottes... paul's wife kristen... goessthrough the
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bags::(grabs bag- heres toys friends "underwear we dont even ave that"ann strangers who wanttto help. "were so lucky and thankful eveeyone is helping the way they are.. we never would have thought" there is no shortage hhre... of donations.. or hugs. ddoothy obviously." pprhaps saved by the ruby slippers.. 10 3 the marshall family hopes to rrbuild a new home... in tte meantime, ttey are &pffr... ... - the... search for... food and gas.... grows... more deeperate by the dayy look... at.... the... long lines... at áthisá brokklyn... gas station ...// its... a... similar scene... across the peoppe... are nly... to... reacc the pumpss... ann...find... police ... have been cclled in... to... keep order....// york... / one... for... allegedly pointing a gun .... at... another customer.../ complained... he cct in line. 3//karen// //karen// meanwhile, others are goinggacross state liness &pin theesearchhfor fuel. this pennsslvania... where many new -
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jerseyydrivvrs hhve actually traaeled more than an our... to fill up their tanks. vaaentinn says::(covered by ms of peopleefilling carr) anyyhinggooened closer than becauss (oo-camera) the power there's ggs stations all over but the power is out so you mill to two mile lines to gee " gas." many drivers are evvn ruuning out of gas... just samaritans have pptched in to givv them enough gas to get to the ppmps. 33 the... nnwwyork city marathon... as been mayor bloomberg... áinsistedá.. the vent... would go on. caved to pressure... from... new yorkers... still sandy... ripppd thru... the city...///. the... race... wws set... for... tom'w,.../ but... organizers... say... they'd... rather... cancel the race.../ because.... so... many people... need... help...// new... porkers... were... angry... thatt were... going to the race.../ &pcrews have repairee a majorr
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watermain break in northeast baltimore ttat shht down portionn of east cold spring la. lann... the 12 iich main theebridge near organ state lane was cosed completely from stadium way to overland avenue.... but has now been re opened... nn homes were affected. 3 & early votiig endeddin milliins of doolars... aae still... being wagered... over... expanded pamblingg.. both sidds.... out.../ to... get thhir mmssage out...//. johnn rydell... joins us... thoseecampaigns... are...telling voters... voterr... ((nats))since its grand opening...nearly five mmnths ago...maryland arunddl mills...has beena big hit. (gambler) "and during speciil session this past summer...state lawmakers approved...aabilllto expand & live, table calll for a sixth....asino...innpriice... george's county.m.g.m. &pcasino...would be
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the national arbor...on the potomac river. (murren))"thiss is a way for the state to raise revvnne, without aasing paying jobs at a time whenn pmryland eeds jobs."but expanded gambling...still requires approval from maryland voters. and casino companies...have sppnt more thhn 50-million dollars...trying to infllence you. "quustion 7 cuts taxes foo billiinaires' special interrsts."this sponsored by penn national cassio in charlestown, west virginia.peen national...has spent more than 300million dollars tryiig to defeat qqestion seven. it fears a harbor...couldcut into its profits. (nats))in response...mayor stephanie raalings-blake...with the help of formerrraven...jonathan -&o ((nats))but crrtics...still worry that additionallrevenue not boost funding for education. (anddrson) "there will be new money buttthey can take out some of the old money and i just thinkg it's an aaggment that's meant tt tty to fool senate president mike miller disagrees. (miller))"if you love mmryland, you vote for questiin's got to happen becauaseethe money goes o educction. those who say it doesn't go to education aae settledby maryyand inally be -3 voters...nexx week. john rydell, fox 45 news attten. news at ten. joon rydell, fox 45 news at ten. 3
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a... goucher college... polll../ finds.... &p "suppprting"... seven.../ and... 44-percent... vooing... "no." thhre's.... been ...a impliiations...// of... queesion ,...// but ... this.../ is... the yyu'll... be... votingg- n... this votingg- ffvor... the exxansion of commercial gaming... in the for the... primary purposee.. - education... to authorize... video lottery operation liiensees.../ to... operate "table games" ddfined by laww../; to.... increase from... 15,000... oo.. 16,550./ 16,550.../ the... maximum number of video lottery terminals... that...
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pay be perated in the sttte;...// and... to... increase... from 5... to 6... the maximum number of video lotteryyoperation license/ licensee.../ that... may beeawwrded the state .... and... allow a video lotterr prince george's county? and if you still haveequestions regarding the maryland refeeendums... fox45 will air a vote 2012 special monday night at 11 p-m. get in-depth exppanations of the dream ct peferendum... the same-ssx marrraae referenddm... and he referendum to expand gamblinn that's onday night at 11... riggt here on fox45. 3 "of courss it'' tragedy. of course. absolutely. "of course it's a tragedy. & pof course it'' a tragedy. of coorre. absolutely. it's unfortunatee she shouldn'tt have beee out though. it's ne of those things. she shouldn't p a motheerholds onto a tree o save her sons lives ddring
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hurricane sandy. why the maa accused of letting the boys die... says he couudn't do anything to help. 3 everyone looked up to him. him. a defender of freedom, cut down in baltimooee thh sad oodbye while the killee still roams the city's streets.
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a mmmber of theeunited states avy murdered while on laid to rest this morning. crime and justice reporter joy lepola... covered the funeral of alonzo gladden... a young man... whoos murder... remains... unsolved tonight. tonight. caaholic church.... friends ca and family members make their way into the funerrl forra u-s sailor.24 year old alonno
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gladden was gunned down nine &ppays ago while on leave. muudered less thhn four hours after being home. (jenkins/godmother) 18:03:55 itthurts so bbd beeaase whh would waat to do sooething to him a person like him he never done anything to nyone he neverrhung with crowds it was a close knit famill :05as sadness weighs heavily on the hearts f many... it's safety that is on the mind of others. (natural wipe)(stand up) 18:00:37 you can see there is also a very stroon police pre hereeat gladdens funeral fficers tell me it's outtof concern of safety for ll the military personell who are in town for the funeral as well as gladden's own family. keep in mind detectives have yet to make an arrest in his cass. p(nat sound of chopper overhead @ 17:44:42 chhpper overhead)) gladden was stationed in nnrfolk virginia. a machinist... (2nd capt.)17:41:06 everyoneelooked up to him.aboard the aircraft carrier....the u-s-s abrrham was gladdee's commanding extremely bright eneegetic individual certainly a trrgic loss for the family nd for the navy amill as well. he
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had a very promising future. :50 thomas along with dozens of saiiors.... travvled here.... some even by bus.... &pto offer their ndolences. 17:40:15 it's a tragic loss we peee a void in our heart i know the family does too ttere feellfor the family during y this very difficult time 20 as those closet to pride and fond memories...they pemember this united states ssilor ... who served his country proudly.... and will forever be outh baltimore joy lepola fox 45 news at ten. ((karen)) family mmmbers are makinn ublic plea tonight for anyone who has infrmation on gladden's murder to let deeectives know about it. firefighters on what they can and cannot post online! last month, the department implementeddchanges to its social meeia policy. they include prohibittng firefighters from posttng any pncident scene... havinn t an
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websites that highlight their workkin the communities... and taking pictures at fire scenes without permission. hee chhnges olloo ssme receet inciddets online... involving 54:12 i blleve it's an pnfringemenn upon the first &pbelieve it's overreaching and overbearing 17 the fire unioo says itts now in talks with its legal counsel about the changes. fire department spokesperssn says tte guidelines ensure fire personnel enggge in two years go, a young carney man lmost lost hiss liff at a holloweennparty.nick hamel's body was burned over 60 pprcent...inna horrific bonfireeaccident. accident.janice park ii live tell us hoo the incident as changee the ccllege student's life. janice? 22....nd whattmany woold s nnw describe as a horrific acciient...really has changed his life for the better.he now comes back here burn victims to ssow them that
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remaakable recooeries are possi. it's not often, thht simply can be called a miracle: miiacle:" i remembee the bann, for a fewwsecs complete blurr 2010...when he says a en in - childhood frienn threw nitrouu oxide on a bonfiie.leaving 60 percent of his bbdy, severely b: something that traumaticis something only a burn survivor can connect with"doctors said it woulddtake nick months to leeve the hossptal...but here he is...42 days ater at his pmotional welcome homm.two yeers have tt look closely to see the scars from comfort to the burn victims
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that nick now regularily visitt at johns hopkins bayview...the very place he spent so many uncertain niihts: limits, or as far plus a little more anyone can bb a surivivor you juss need the nick is now looking intt working fire protection & help prevent bur paaview tonight, jp fox45 ews at ten. wegmans is recalling its organic spinach and spring mix salads because it may be contaminated with e. coli bacte. bacteria.the recall includes 5 ounne and 11 ouncc packages... still have thh productt... nd shouud throw the salad out and mann... for - baltimore rrsideets... pgot... a surpriseetoday .../ from the city. p after hhlf of the historic avenue market was closed for
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remodeling...the entiir maaket mayor stephanne rawlings bbake and other officials held commemorate the event.the avenue arket sits on the corner of pennsylvania avenue and aurens street. the 6-month renovation cost 500--housand will sell seafood, poultry, deli products, and more. the market willlalso have free wi- fi. "our commitment o baltimore - &pnot only about economic development its aaout ccmmunity devvlopment . tte the cornerrsone f the been business community and the community." the market fiist u- opened baak in 11-71. it was builddng burned to the ground. 3 a sunny friday is a great weekend. but it's going to be a cold niiht. night. let's go to eteerologist
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emily gracey for a look at what's happening now. now. 3 they're fun, hell and they're not oing to take it anymore. why esaae
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&pccpitoo onnmoodaa. over the "of course it's a tragedy. of coursee absooutely. it'ss unfortunate. she shouldn't have been out thoogh. it'ssonee of those things. she shouldn't haae been out on the roaa." sandy claims &pthe lives of nearly 2-hundded people. how 2 children coulddhave survived from a neighbor. and whh e ays he and why neighbor. denied help from a they weree
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it's oysternomics 101. you start with a u.s. senator named ben. by helping restore thousands of acres of oyster beds, he kept hundreds of oystermen on the job... which keeps wholesalers in business... and that means more delivery companies... making deliveries to more restaurants... which hire more workers. and that means more oystermen. it's like he's out here with us. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approved this message. thank you, mr. speaker, uh, members of congress. in celebration of over 75 years of our government employees insurance company,
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or most of you know it. ...i propose savings for everyone! i'm talking hundreds here... and furthermore.. newcaster: breaking news. the gecko is demanding free pudding. and political parties that are actual parties! with cake! and presents! ah, that was good. too bad nobody could hear me. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. maryland residents...
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and... people... in... the ortheastt../ arr... picking upp.. the pieces .... from ... people ereekilled in the york city.the victims inncude p young boys whose mother says coold have survived f a neighbor had done the right thing. ary tuchman has both sides of thisstragii story. 3&&p side of a streee in staten islanddnew york. the car seats were sitting as their mother or- glenna wassdriving during hurricane sandya&.desperately looking for shelter. the story of wwat happened to glenda ann her sons brandon terrifyingg she was driving plunged into this hhle during - she thee oo out of the vehicll with her 2-yyar-ood son and her 4-year-old ssn. remember, it is pourinn rain...toorential. the winds 90 miles-perrhour...and shee comes ovvr here to this
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treee..ann holds onto the tree, grabs the branches, grabs the tree aad holds onno it and holds ontt her sons at the same time. and she did this, according to policee for hours. that's what she to the police. she thennsaid she weet uppto this house right behind me...knocked on the door..a man waa insiie and pleaded with him, 'let us inside your house'. she sayss accorring to police, tte man wwuud not let her in he hoose with her sons. she hen went to her back, stood on the tried to breek the wwndow to d - break inno the house, wasn't &pabll to...and ulttmatell floo wattrs came through and swept her sons away. (natss everyone was wishing for a miracle in the search for the childrrn,, but there really wasn't any optimism the bbys would be found alive. new york ity for them in the nearby to look &pmarshapolice ddvers wwlked through that swampy maash. sadly, the bodies of both children were foonn nottfar from each other abbut a quartee mile away from wheree glendd last held them. family members say glenda is too wanted to meet tte man who e - lived in the house wheee protection. nobooy anssered
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the doora& but while we were ssanding near the hoose on public propertya&an ngry man houseano cameras hereastop stop..gee the heel outa&" (reportte: "sir..sira&can i woman nock on your door?") pno sir. no sir." alan id not &pwant tt say his last name, bu the ouse ii question is hisa&and he says he was inside during the hurricane. (reporter: "the police ay glenda came with her tww sons and knncked on your door, begged to gooin, during the hurricane.") no sir. absolutely not." (reporter: "so you didn't sse a woman with two children?") "absolutely not." (reporter: "so, whha she told the police is not accurate?") "" never sawwanybody, i only aw a maa." (reporter: "so you said pou saw a mmn come to your door?") "yes, he didn't come to the ddor. there's staars inn was standing at the bottom of tte stairs." (reporter: "and what did he do?") "he took a concreee flower pot, i can show you there's one in he backyard. there were two of ttem, he threw one of themm through the door." (reportee: after you didn't let her in, that he tried to break the possiile you're mistaken?") "no. i had to stay thereeall night. i sat all night with my
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back against the door in the kitchhn." ((eeorter: "let me ask you , if the man threw a &pflower pot, why didn't you le the man in your ouse?") "he &pdidn't ask to come in. he asked me to come out and help himm" (reporter: "so id you help him?") "what could i do to help him? i'm wearing thh same clothes. i had theee shorts on. thhs ii my brother's jacket. i had a pair of shortsson witt flip flops. (reporttr: "so what it comes do woman and two children?") nn man?") "a man. yes." terriile for this woman and her two chhldren, right??) "ddd they find the children? i &pdoo't even know." (reporter:: founddthemmddad today.") "of course it's a tragedy. of course. bsooutely. it's have been out though. it's one of ttose things. she shouldn't (reporter: "well, a lot of peeppe arr though, sir...and "theees nothing i could o. i'm not a rescue worker. the mayor said rescue workers don'ttendanger the lives of pave bben ouuside, i would police have talked to him and he told them thh same tory he to usa an upsetting story about a most tragii night.
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-----end-----cnn.script----- or if that neighbor could face s chargessandy claimed the llves of 11 marylanders. &p3 &p this thieffis going too have a permanent reminder of his crimee. how a five finger to the burn ward. sesame street under siege. why the natiin's capital is preparing for a puppet protest on 3onday..- the...
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i've always been lucky. flew 37 bombing missions over germany. made it home every time. i'm lucky to have good friends who are all still around,
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and we're all lucky to have a friend named ben. ben's protected our medicare and veterans' benefits. and he's helping my 13 grandchildren afford college. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i'm honored to approve this message. the... october jobs... reportt.... brought... mixed news today..../// wwile... ...were added... lasttmooth.../ the... unemployment rate ..ticked report... will... continue... to be analyyee... by politicians.... ahead of tuesday's... presidential elections...//. but... some say.../ it... shouldn't matter... / because voters ...have their minds made up alreadyy 0:26 moore says: "i hink it'' all a confidence game when tuesday and they're going to ask themselves do i feel ood liie barack obama ii right is mitt rrmney right that or - we're not movvng forward,
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we're moving in the wwong dirrc" direction."whiie... of a perrentage... point..../ experts... onlyy.. expectee to see... 125-thousand jobs added. 3& it takessa lot more thannyaaddsigns and stump sseeches to win a political campaign thesseddys.... in some cases, it takes "the youtube effect"..... jeff abell shows us why ccmpaigns on the attack.inn...and going - attack. (video #3) (open music/obama) "we are five transforming the united states of 33 if you wann to watch these cammaign ads in
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their entirety, head to ox baltimore dot com. see what the president of ome ddpot has to say about the president's track record, i'll giie you a hint, he's ot a huge fan. look for vote 2012 on foo baltimmre dot com. organizers are planning a million puppet march... in support of funding for publicc broadcastiig... like he sesame street show you're seeing hhre.the 3-day arch begins toomrrow... at 10 a-m... nearrthe capitol.about we're... one day... closer to 'taxmageddon....//' p affer... january first.../, massive ... tax changes ... take effect .../ that'll... cost,,, eeery american.../ all... ttis week, .../ he... acts of... 'taxmaged. 3
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we'll... walk you thru... the... ásecondá... wave of paxes...//// tell... your... ember oo congress... pending tax changes, ....// their... names and &pphone numbers... are... on... our website....// fox-- baltimore doo com and click on your voicee 3 3 3 -3 whht...
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better way ... to... say... thankkyou... to... all of our viewers... than....some free c? cash? how about the ffx 45 &pgiivaway?we're paying for you eentr... go to our faceeook page... like us... and click on contests. contests.then morning news../ we'lllgive awayya 100- ddllar piit card on fox 5 morning
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nnws... every hour... of the show... tarting at 5 a-m. one thhef nearly kills himsslf during the crime. ow a gas theft turned into a trip to theeburn ward. a halloweee fright. how aaniihh of trick orrtreat how a night of ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine the pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a qualifying pnc performance select checking account and earn 75% more than cards earning 1% cash back on almost everything. a...
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thief... who ...áthoughtá he could 3p... gettinngburned. - the... mmn... pou see here... rolling... on the ground.. .is... trying too put outtthe flames.../ p consuming... his shirt. / investigators... say... it's his... fault...// he... was... trying to steal gasooine...// syphoniig it pump..../ . phen... he... caught himself.... and... is truck... on fire...///.surveillance... cameras ..captured you... can... see him... jump out... of the... which... then crashes ...into a home.../ orching... he's... in... the hospital.... with burns, .../ he's... pxpected to survive.. forget "angry birds"....angry voters is the new video game that's takkng aim at politicians. couutney &pgame will allow players too exprees theirroppnion on pirtual wor and in the real 3
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the game is till in when ittcomes to electing the -- nexx prrsident.... many officials rely on the number of votes at the voting booth. patrons are prediccing the winner of the electton in an uuusual way. at the flying saucer ouucan vote to start a new tab or vote foo 4 more beers. and for &p7-ddllars you can purrhaae a &pyour choice. the restaurant -
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tally oo how many glasses hhve peennsold or preeident obama and mitt romnee. ii the past the game hassbeen a omewwat accurate forecaster of the election. "someone will buy a case and we'll ut the nnw umber up pnd someone lse says 'oh heck noo' so they'll put another onn up for someone else." at last counttthe president had aasmall lead.buu his challenger was closing the gap...making it a closserrce. 3 the terps take the court for the first timmethis season... see how marylaad looked in its sportt in a halloween nightmare. 3 maryland bassetball decideddto
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opt out of the...let's ease iito the season friday they open the season in brooklyn against kentucky.'s a look at the young terps... 1 the roster.exhibition with on - i-u-p. .1st half...alex len misses the alley-oop...jamess padgett rebound...put bbck &pslam...terpsstraaled by one a the breek....2nd half... padgett open underneath...hoop and the harm...thoseewere hhs only 4 points f thh game.... pater in the half...seth allen drives...disses to jjke layman for bucket and the bonus... layman had 7....allen 16
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points off the bench... maryland outtcores -u-p by 13 3&there's not much expecttd fro n-f-l rookies.they usually don't make their mark on &pspeciaalteams.not a glamorous role... but just as immortant. with ravens 4th rounn draft christian &psilvee spotlight. the o's add to the o's add to their deeth at
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2nd...and who ray rice ays he after sunday's game...coming up on the late edition... halloween proved to be very scary for one memmhis trick-or-r trick-or-treater. a... gunpoint by a carload of daniel palmer ssys he and his in a place their mother told thhm not to go. as they were wa creep up behinn them, so the two boys split up..thats when the car pulled up towards insidee daniee says one of the men had a mask ssmilar to his...and the othhr worr a devil mask.
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"they told me empty myypockktt oo i get shot. so, when they pointed the gun to my head i emptied all my ockets and they took my phone." phone."daniel ays they also took is candy. luckily heewws notthurt.. man------animal talkiig with nooitssnot your imagination. this elephant is really talking back. the words he's learned so far. and the reason scientist say he began speaking. ...and coming up in just 5 &pmmnutes on the late edition... edition...a outrageouu bill ended up giving the gas company 18-thousand dollars. 3 and a big gaffe for vice president joe biden. the embarrassing mistake he made on the ampaign trail. bth - tasteless tasteless
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3 i'm mark hyman.bth - tasteless tastelessone thing that &pan a presiiential electioo year - is the wiie differences conseevative. i believe in smaaler, less intrusivv government. fiscal responsibility, lower believe in individual freedom and liberty. ii herish the equal outcomes even when there is unequal effort. ttey want bureaucraas to makk decisiins for them.whill i don't agree with their views i staunchly &d thhm. and then there are tte the mainstreaa they haven't a clue. 'm referring to moveon.orggas an example. i support tteir first amendment rights even when what they say reprehensibbe.le. move on d nats natsin 20044 it was theii absooutely disgusting &pcommerccil comparing george hitler.edited granny ad- bth 1 1in 2012, it's their granny add the one in which a f-bombb another elderly woman ggaphically threatens to punch neether cute nor funny. it's
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imagine it influeecing a single undeccded vooer. visit behind he heedlines dot 3 they can communiiate with ik -
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animals....but in south kkrea there's one animal that's
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talking back. a ... team of scientists... is... confirming.../ hat... &p an... sian elephhnn... can speak korean..// -----nats off eleehant and manntalking &ptalkkigthe 5 and a half ton &pelephant named... "koshik"... can sayy.. the korean words down",... "lii down", ..."no""... ann "good".....// scientist say... koshik... taught himself how to tuck his prunk ...inside his mouth... too odulate sound...//. officials believe... koshik... may have started imitating human speechh.. because he was lonely. hello....'m karen parks parrs...and i'm jeef barnd aa.. member ...of the united statee navy... mmrdered.../ wwile... on leave... in baltimore...// mmrning.../ crime and juutice reporter joy lepola
10:59 pm
covered the funeral of alonzo gladden.......a youug man who's murder still remains myssery tonight. gathered at st veronica ers catholic churchhto remember a u-s navy sailor who was gunned down a week ago wednesday while on leave here in batlimore visiting family membes meebers dozens of servicemembers came from virginia where 24 year oll alonzo gladden was stationeddto offer their was on october 24th around 9 o'clock in the evening when gladden wassshoo to deaah as he wass getting iiems out of the trrnk of his ar. it happened in south baltimore. today i spoke with one of his commmandingg officers. 3 3 17:40:15it's a ttagic loss wee feel a void in our heart i know the family does too there areeno words that can really exprrss this tragedy we just p this very difficult time 20 20 18:00:556it hurts so bad pecause who would want to do phim he never


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